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This website showcases two real case applications of the remote monitoring system developed in the MOSCARDO project, which integrates a network of fixed sensors and a UAV. The proposed system allows users to interact on a 3D graphic model of the monitored structure with the relative sensing information, showing the location of sensors on the structure and displaying instantaneous and/or historical records in a VR environment. In this demo, the values reported are dummy data and by no means are intended to be representative of real conditions.

For further details please see:
Bacco, M., Barsocchi, P., CassarĂ¡, P., Germanese, D., Gotta, A., Leone, G. R., Pascali M.A., Moroni, D. & Tampucci, M. (2020). Monitoring Ancient Buildings: Real Deployment of an IoT System Enhanced by UAVs and Virtual Reality. IEEE Access, 8, 50131-50148 (

For further information please contact Marco Tampucci (marco.tampucci(AT)



Photo of Mastio Matilde
Mastio Matilde Demo

Photo of Torregrossa
Torregrossa Demo